xpages - Select2 and JSON Data -

i using select2 version 4 , have rest service control on xpage, reads fullname column names.nsf.

i have search working, reason, don't list of values can select.

the json object being returned, looks this:

[{"@entryid":"1376-e6d5ebe8adbefa7088257df8006e4ba2","fullname":"full name\/ou\/o"},{"@entryid":"1375-fd1cb92a13bfd0e088257de4006756d7","fullname":"another full name\/ou\/o"}] 

the code initialize select2 looks this:

x$( "#{id:combobox1}" ).select2({   ajax: {    url: "xjson.xsp/names",    datatype: 'json',    delay: 250,     data: function (params) {       return {       search:'[fullname=]*'+params.term+'*',              //  q: params.term, // search term         page: params.page       };     },      results: function (data, page){      },     processresults: function (data, page) {       // parse results format expected select2.       // since using custom formatting functions not need       // alter remote json data       console.log(data);       return {         results: data       };     },     cache: true   },   //escapemarkup: function (markup) { return markup; },    minimuminputlength: 1 }); 

when @ browser's console, can see search worked , json objects being returned, however, don't list of values select from.

for result return i've tried results: data.fullname , results: data, text:'fullname' nothing happens.

what doing worng?

you need either switch json response include id , text each object, or re-map them in processresults method. these 2 properties required on selectable objects in select2 4.0. since i'm assuming either can't change json response, or wouldn't make sense to, can re-map data following processresults method.

processresults: function (data) {   var data = $.map(data, function (obj) {     obj.id = obj.id || obj["@entityid"];     obj.text = obj.text || obj.fullname;      return obj;   });    return {     results: data   }; }); 

this map @entityid property id property , fullname property text property. selections sent server containing @entityid , displayed using fullname.

also, results method no longer needed in select2 4.0. renamed current processresults method.


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