c++ - Seg Fault - Signal received, SIGABORT -

so code compiles well, whenever try running program, seg faults. ran through gdb , got set of error:

terminate called after throwing instance of 'std::logic_error'    what():  basic_string::_s_construct null not valid  program received signal sigabrt, aborted. 0x00007ffff722bcc9 in __gi_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) @ ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:56 56  ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c: no such file or directory. 

here code if helps:

using namespace std; #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <cmath> #include<fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <utility> #include <string>  class page {   public:     int timestamp;     int programowner;     int localpagenumber;  };  //pair: first entry local page, second entry global page //second entry: 1 if in main memory, 0 if not class program {   public:     vector< pair<int,int> > memorymap; };  class memory {   public:     vector<program> programs;     vector<page> pages; };  void checkarguments(int argc, char *argv[]); bool checkpagealgorithm(char *argv[]); bool checkpagesize(int pagesize); bool checkpagestyle(char *argv[]); bool checkptrace(string programtracefile); bool checkplist(string programlistfile);  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {   //checkarguments(argc, argv);    const int memsize = 512;   int pagesize = atoi(argv[3]);   string programlistfile = argv[1];   string programtracefile = argv[2];   string pagealgorithm = argv[4];   string pagestyle = argv[5];   int programnumber;   int programsize;   int pagesneeded;   memory mainmemory;   int numberframes;   int pagefaults = 0;   int numprograms = 0;   int pagesperprogram;   int localpage;   int activeprogram;   int requestedlocation;   int newpagelocation;   bool foundinmemory;    ifstream filein;   filein.open(programlistfile.c_str());   if(filein.fail())   {     cerr << "list file not found." << endl;     filein.close();     exit(1);   }   else   {     while(!filein.eof())    {       cout << "hey0";       filein >> programnumber;       filein >> programsize;       numprograms++;     }   }    numberframes = ceil(memsize/pagesize);   pagesperprogram = ceil(numberframes/numprograms);   mainmemory.pages.resize(numberframes);      cout << "hey1";   while(!filein.eof())   {     cout << "hey2";     filein >> programnumber;     filein >> programsize;     cout << "hey3";     pagesneeded = ceil(programsize/pagesize);     for(int = 0; < pagesneeded; i++)     {       localpage = i;       mainmemory.pages[i].programowner = programnumber;       mainmemory.pages[i].localpagenumber = localpage;      }      cout << "hey3";     if(pagesneeded > pagesperprogram)       pagesneeded = pagesperprogram;      for(int = 0; < pagesneeded; i++)     {       mainmemory.programs[programnumber].memorymap[i].first = mainmemory.pages[i].localpagenumber;       mainmemory.programs[programnumber].memorymap[i].second = 1;       if(pagealgorithm == "clock")         mainmemory.pages[i].timestamp = 1;       else         mainmemory.pages[i].timestamp = 0;    }   }   filein.close();    //lru algorithm implementation   if(pagealgorithm == "lru")   {     cout << "here1";     filein.open(programtracefile.c_str());     if(filein.fail())     {       cerr << "that file not exist." << endl;       filein.close();       exit(1);     }     else     {       filein >> activeprogram;       filein >> requestedlocation;       newpagelocation = ceil(requestedlocation/pagesize);       while(!filein.eof())       {         foundinmemory = false;         for(int = 0; < static_cast<int>(mainmemory.programs[activeprogram].memorymap.size()); i++)         {           if((mainmemory.programs[activeprogram].memorymap[i].second == 1) &&          (mainmemory.programs[activeprogram].memorymap[i].first == newpagelocation))             foundinmemory = true;           if(foundinmemory)             break;         }         if(!foundinmemory)         {           pagefaults++;           if(static_cast<int>(mainmemory.programs[activeprogram].memorymap.size()) < pagesperprogram)           {             pair<int, int> temp;             temp.first = newpagelocation;             temp.second = 1;             mainmemory.programs[activeprogram].memorymap.push_back(temp);           }           else           {             for(int = 0; < (static_cast<int>(mainmemory.programs[activeprogram].memorymap.size()) - 1); i++)             {               if(mainmemory.pages[i].timestamp >= mainmemory.pages[i+1].timestamp)               {                 mainmemory.programs[activeprogram].memorymap[i].first = newpagelocation;               }               if(pagestyle == "1")               {                 if(mainmemory.pages[i].timestamp >= mainmemory.pages[i+1].timestamp)                 {                   mainmemory.programs[activeprogram].memorymap[i].first = mainmemory.pages[i].localpagenumber;                  }               }               mainmemory.pages[i].timestamp++;             }           }         }         filein >> activeprogram;         filein >> requestedlocation;         newpagelocation = ceil(requestedlocation/pagesize);       }     }   }    cout << "------------------------------------" << endl;   cout << "page size: " << pagesize << endl;   cout << "page replacement algorithm: " << pagealgorithm << endl;   cout << "paging style: ";   if(pagestyle == "0")     cout << "demand" << endl;   else     cout << "prepaging" << endl;   cout << "number of page faults: " << pagefaults << endl;   cout << "------------------------------------" << endl;    return 0; }  bool checkplist(string programlistfile) {   ifstream listfile(programlistfile.c_str());   if(listfile.fail())   {     cerr << "cannot find file " << programlistfile << endl;     listfile.close();     return false;   }   else   {     listfile.close();     return true;   } }  bool checkptrace(string programtracefile) {   ifstream tracefile;   tracefile.open(programtracefile.c_str());   if(tracefile.fail())   {     cerr << "cannot find file " << programtracefile << endl;     tracefile.close();     return false;   }   else   {     tracefile.close();     return true;   } }  bool checkpagestyle(string pagestyle) {   if(pagestyle == "0")     return true;   else if(pagestyle == "1")     return true;   else   {     cerr << "page style can be: 0 or 1." << endl;     return false;   } }  bool checkpagesize(int pagesize) {   bool isvalid = false;   switch(pagesize)   {     case 1:        isvalid = true;        break;     case 2:       isvalid = true;       break;     case 4:       isvalid = true;       break;     case 8:       isvalid = true;       break;     case 16:       isvalid = true;       break;     default:       cerr << "page size can be: 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16." << endl;       isvalid = false;   }   return isvalid;  }  bool checkpagealgorithm(string pagealgorithm) {   if(pagealgorithm == "lru")     return true;   else if(pagealgorithm == "fifo")     return true;   else if(pagealgorithm == "clock")     return true;   else   {     cerr << "valid page algorithms are: lru, fifo, or clock" << endl;     return false;   } }  void checkarguments(int argc, char *argv[]) {   if(argc < 6)   {     cerr << "invalid number of arguments. should be: programlist programtrace pagesize pagealgorithm pagingstyle" << endl;     exit(1);   }    else if(argc > 6)   {     cerr << "invalid number of arguments. should be: programlist programtrace pagesize pagealgorithm pagingstyle" << endl;     exit(1);   }    else if(!checkpagealgorithm(argv[4]))     exit(1);    else if(!checkpagesize(atoi(argv[3])))     exit(1);    else if(!checkpagestyle(argv[5]))     exit(1);    else if(!checkptrace(argv[2]))     exit(1);    else if(!checkplist(argv[1]))     exit(1);    return; } 

the output 'heys' see if triggered within gdb, don't.

you forgot ask question.

presumably, question "why program die sigabrt?"

the answer provided program itself: you've tried construct std::string null character pointer, throws std::logic_error exception (because it's not valid thing do).

you may have follow-up quesiton: "where in program happen?".

you find answer using gdb where command. first guess, didn't invoke program sufficient number of arguments. example, if did this:

gdb ./a.out (gdb) run 

then argv[1] null, , statement:

string programlistfile = argv[1]; 

would throw exception getting.

the common solution problem insist do have correct number of arguments, e.g. put this:

if (argc < 6) {   std::cerr << "not enough arguments" << std::endl;   return 1; } 

at start of main. or comment call checkarguments() in.


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