javascript - populate newly added textbox with last texbox value -

how can populate newly added begin_date textbox last end_date ?

$('body').on('focus', ".dpicker", function () { $(this).datepicker(); }); 

jsfiddle hereenter image description here

if need functional after more 1 form addition

add class additem link

<a href="#" id="additem" class="additem">add</a> 

modify click handler able listen newly added links

$(document).on('click', '.additem', function () {...} 

and add input field value update on appending of new form block

$(document).on('click', '.additem', function () {     var last_date;     $.ajax({         url: this.href,         cache: false,         success: function (html) {             last_date = $('.deleterow:last .forminput:last input').val();             $("#editorrows").append(str);             $('.deleterow:last .forminput:first input').val(last_date);         }     });     return false; }); 

demo here

p.s. try rid of multiple identical id. (i.e. id="#additem")


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