java - sj:submit with targets and errorElementId not rendering properly -

i have struts application, in 1 of pages using sj:submit submit page targets , errorelementid attributes.i have used struts2 validations on page , result type written success redirect div , failure redirect action same div, using errorelementid following

<div id="errordiv" > <sj:submit targets="successdiv" errorelementdiv="errordiv" /> </div> <div id="successdiv"> </div> 

on testing page getting success response successdiv given in targets attribute, in case of validation errors expecting page return same div sj belongs ie errordiv , the page validation errors rendered in successdiv following

enter image description here

the result types action following

<result name="success">jsp/process/processlist.jsp</result>             <result name="input">jsp/process/addprocess.jsp</result> 

can tell me going wrong.

the input result

<result name="input">jsp/process/addprocess.jsp</result> 

points jsp request made. when validation interceptor added errors action result returned. result type dispatcher. in case jsp page rendered , returned response. after callback handler, success, added response text div.


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