angularjs - Protractor - How to upload file using ng-file-upload in test case without changing code? -

i using file upload. have test wrote protractor test case not working.


<div class="col-lg-12 up-buttons">      <div ng-file-select="" ng-model="files" ng-model-rejected="rejfiles" class="btn btn-default" ng-multiple="false" ng-accept="'text/csv,application/,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'"  ng-model-rejected="rejfiles" tabindex="0">choose file</div> </div> 

test case

it('upload file', function(){      var filetoupload = 'c:/users/anusha/desktop/demo.csv';   var absolutepath = path.resolve(filetoupload);   $('input[type="file"]').sendkeys(absolutepath);   browser.sleep(1500); }) 

testcase result

i can upload file received in rejfiles model instead of files model eventhough file format correct one. please suggest me how this?


<div class="col-lg-12 up-buttons">     <div ng-file-select="" ng-model="files" ng-model-rejected="rejfiles" class="btn btn-default" ng-multiple="false" ng-accept="'*.csv'"  ng-model-rejected="rejfiles" tabindex="0">choose file</div> </div> 

test case

var path = require('path'); var filetoupload = file_path; var absolutepath = path.resolve(filetoupload); element.all(by.css('input[type="file"]')).then(function(items) {   items[0].sendkeys(absolutepath); }); browser.sleep(500); 


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