nest - _id is not getting autogenerated in Elasticsearch -

i have simple list of documents of type salesorder. while inserting them elastic search, _id taking value of salesorderid. need autogenerated. below class

    public class salesorder     {         [xmlelement("id")]         public long salesorderid { get; set; }          public long customerid { get; set; }          public datetime? bookeddate { get; set; }          public long salesorderno { get; set; }      } 

this how inserting docs in elastic search

            elasticclient elasticclient = createelasticclient(indexname);              if (!elasticclient.indexexists(i => i.index(indexname)).exists)             {                 elasticclient.createindex(indexname, s => s.addmapping<t>(m => m                 .mapfromattributes()));             }              // create indexes             var response = elasticclient.indexmany<t>(documents); 

you can specify id field es use this:

[elastictype(name = "salesorder", idproperty = "id")] public class salesorder {             public string id {get;set;}//this used internally es      public long salesorderid { get; set; }      public long customerid { get; set; }      public datetime? bookeddate { get; set; }      public long salesorderno { get; set; }  } 

note: if populate id use value insert es. if leave null es create automatically you.

also, if salesorder class specific elasticsearch should not have xmlelement tag on it.


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