c# - How to disable Visual Studio 2008 localized string replacement in Designer? -

i use visual studio 2008, , in application have line of code in mainmenu.designer.cs

this.btnsettings.text = "(5) " + strings.settings; 

where strings.exit following

    /// <summary>     ///   looks localized string similar settings.     /// </summary>     internal static string settings {         {             return resourcemanager.getstring("settings", resourceculture);         }     } 

but when rebuild application, above line converts automatically following

this.btnsettings.text = "(5) settings"; 

how can turn off?

i have line of code in mainmenu.designer.cs

do not edit xxxx.designer.cs files. changes lost when ide regenerates file. need move statement constructor. ought find in mainmenu.cs source file.


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