Visualization Combo Chart dual axis chart -

im working on report, need populate graph dual axis, can me out find how can impelment that, here sample chart need. enter image description here

i im trying use looking not work me.


this should started...

google.load("visualization", "1", {      packages: ["corechart"]  });  google.setonloadcallback(drawchart);    function drawchart() {      var data = google.visualization.arraytodatatable([          ["week ending","actual ft", "recommended fte", "other tickets", "router tickets"],          ["7/1", 1800, 1900, 19, 22],          ["7/8", 1800, 1900, 20, 23],          ["7/15", 1800, 1900, 20, 23],          ["7/22", 1800, 1900, 19, 22],          // ..          ["9/29", 1800, 1900, 29, 30]      ]);          var options2 = {          vaxes: [{              minvalue: 1200,              maxvalue: 2500          }, {              minvalue: 17,              maxvalue: 30          }],                    curvetype: 'function',                    haxis: {              title: "week ending"          },              series: {              0: {                  type: "bars",                  targetaxisindex: 0,                  color: "blue"              },              1: {                  type: "bars",                  targetaxisindex: 0,                  color: "green"              },              2: {                  type: "line",                  targetaxisindex: 1,                  color: "red"              },              3: {                  type: "line",                  targetaxisindex: 1,                  color: "cyan"              }          }      };        var chart = new google.visualization.linechart(document.getelementbyid("chart"));      chart.draw(data, options2);  }
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>  <div id="chart" style="width: 900px; height: 300px;"></div>


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