apache - htaccess redirect urls with parameters to specific directory -

i want redirect specific urls from

http://www.domain.com/com/page.asp?id=99 https://www.domain.com/de/directory/ 

and urls from

http://www.domain.com/com/page.asp https://www.domain.com/de/ 

ive tried redirects cant done right. please me!

rewritecond %{query_string} id=5 rewriterule (.*) https://www.domain.com/de/directory/? [r=301,l]  works, biggest problem urls in cms https://www.domain.com/cms redirected if contain id 


rewriteengine on rewritecond %{query_string} ^id=99$ rewriterule ^page\.asp$ /de/directory/ [l,r] rewriterule ^page\.asp$ /de/ [l,r] 


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