yum - Warning: No matches found for: kernel-devel -

when i'm trying install kernel-devel yum source, got error:

$ sudo yum search kernel-devel loaded plugins: fastestmirror loading mirror speeds cached hostfile  * base: ftp.riken.jp  * epel: ftp.riken.jp  * extras: ftp.riken.jp  * updates: ftp.riken.jp warning: no matches found for: kernel-devel no matches found  [vagrant@vagrant-centos65 ~]$ uname -r 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 [vagrant@vagrant-centos65 ~]$ cat /etc/centos-release centos release 6.6 (final) 

but in centos 6.4 machine, kernel-devel(2.6.32-358.) can found , installed normally. doubt bad things have been done os system, or kernel-devel version 2.4.32-431 not exist truly.

this problem occurs in vagrant vm.

you should disable versionlock plugin.

edit /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/versionlock.conf set enabled = 0, , retry yum install kernel-devel


if upgrade kernel newer version, when reload vagrant, cause error

failed mount folders in linux guest. because "vboxsf" file system not available

you can fix running sudo /etc/init.d/vboxadd setup


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