arraylist - android google map activity open more than two times , than out of memory error issue came -

here, using google map v2 api draw multiple path(using polyline) on google map.

note : when click button start new google map activity class , draw path on first time successfully.then, click button , again start same map activity class , draw multiple path.

then, same thing, click button , start same map activity means , out of memory error coming.

error output..

04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803): fatal exception: main 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803): java.lang.outofmemoryerror 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ java.util.arraylist.add( 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ source) 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ com.trucklogics.usercontroller.userorderlistmapview.drawdirection( 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ com.trucklogics.usercontroller.userorderlistmapview.access$1( 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ com.trucklogics.usercontroller.userorderlistmapview$getroutetask$ 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ com.trucklogics.usercontroller.userorderlistmapview$getroutetask.onpostexecute( 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ com.trucklogics.usercontroller.userorderlistmapview$getroutetask.onpostexecute( 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ android.os.asynctask.finish( 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ android.os.asynctask.access$600( 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ android.os.asynctask$internalhandler.handlemessage( 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage( 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ android.os.looper.loop( 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method) 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @$ 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ 04-01 03:12:46.165: e/androidruntime(7803):     @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method) 

expected output :

when start new activity, how clear previous activity used memory.. how clear cache memory while jumping activity..

try android:largeheap="true" in manifest's application tag


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