android - How to select file from internal & external storage in andorid -

hi trying create file selector select file device , upload tried few example same every time stuck @ shows internal storage drive of device not external storage. tried example here file explorer example

but same shows internal sdcard. when

 @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);      currentdir = new file("/sdcard/");     fill(currentdir);  } 

and if change mnt show option external storage after pressing button..

 @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);      currentdir = new file("/mnt/");     fill(currentdir);  } 

what want when click on browse button should show 2 option's 1 internal storage , second external storage per device config. i.e if has these drives.

thanks in advance....

for external storage.

string path = null;      if (build.version.sdk_int < 8) {         path = root.getabsolutepath() + "/android/data/com.packagename/files/";     } else {         file file = getexternalfilesdir(null);//getabsolutepath();         if (file == null) {             path = root.getabsolutepath() + "/android/data/com.packagename/files/";         } else {             path = file.getabsolutepath();         }     }  

for internal storage can use

fileinputstream stream = context.openfileinput("sp_key_file"); 


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