android - Soft keyboard hide EditText in lollipop version -

i have layout contain relativelayout root layout,relative layoout contain listview @ top , 1 edittext align @ bottom of relative layout. in pre lollipop version devices whenever soft keyboard open edittext pushed , able see editext. in lollipop soft keyboard hide editext. have set android:windowsoftinputmode="adjustpan|adjustresize" in manifest file. please me

thanks valuable input. have fixed issue.

what found reason behind issue application theme. application theme

android:theme.light in found issue. have changed theme of edittext layout activity setting

android:theme="@android:style/" e.g. <activity android:name=".activity.livestreamingactivity" android:label="@string/title_activity_event_performer" android:theme="@android:style/" android:screenorientation="portrait" />

this solved problem !!!


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