ios - Buffer size of CMSampleBufferRef -

i trying size of cmsamplebufferref avfoundation call-back

- (void)captureoutput:(avcaptureoutput *)captureoutput didoutputsamplebuffer:(cmsamplebufferref)samplebuffer fromconnection:(avcaptureconnection *)connection 

according documentation

size_t cmsamplebuffergettotalsamplesize ( cmsamplebufferref sbuf ); 

if understand correctly, should use method buffer size. got 0 return. , said "if there no sample sizes in cmsamplebuffer, size of 0 returned." in case, wonder if avfoundation framework not provide buffer size information or mis-understand document.

a follow question: way, wonder in case if use

cvpixelbufferref pixelbuffer = cmsamplebuffergetimagebuffer(samplebuffer);

from pixelbuffer size of samplebuffer?

how create avcapturesession?

basically cmsamplebuffer can contain multiple information.

  • raw image buffer (which can extract using cmsamplebuffergetimagebuffer)
  • audio buffer (which have extract using cmsamplebuffergetblockbuffer)
  • corevideo encoded image data buffer (also have extract using cmsamplebuffergetblockbuffer)

so should first check if captureoutput wanted, , if , expect image, should image cvpixelbufferref check data size on image using cvpixelbuffergetdatasize


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