plsql - Anonymous PL/SQL block checked exception -

i'm trying catch exception within anonymous pl/sql block

declare     ...  begin herstell_row in (     ... )  loop     ...      declare         table_does_not_exists exception;         pragma exception_init( table_does_not_exists, -942 );     begin         insert smart_monitoring_machine_nav_b (             machine,              navigation_level_id         )          select              old_binding.machine,              pv_id                       smart_machine_nav_binding old_binding                     old_binding.navigation_level_id = herstell_row.hename1;     exception         when table_does_not_exists null;     end;  end loop; end; 

i know table smart_machine_nav_binding doesn't exist in case, need nested anonymous block ignore code. error:

error report - ora-06550: line 41, column 14: pl/sql: ora-00942: table or view not exist ora-06550: line 33, column 10: pl/sql: sql statement ignored

you can't compile code non-existent table, can try execute using execute emmediate:

declare     ...  begin herstell_row in (     ... )  loop     ...      declare         table_does_not_exists exception;         pragma exception_init( table_does_not_exists, -942 );     begin       execute immediate          'insert smart_monitoring_machine_nav_b (             machine,              navigation_level_id         )          select              old_binding.machine,              pv_id                       smart_machine_nav_binding old_binding                     old_binding.navigation_level_id = :p' using herstell_row.hename1;     exception         when table_does_not_exists null;     end;  end loop; end; 

also don't need exceptions here, can check existence of table using system view:

declare   table_created number; begin   select count(*)     table_created     all_tables    table_name = ...      , owner = ...;    if table_created > 0      execute immediate 'insert ...';   end if; end; 

more information execute immediate statement:


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