Pass a struct parameter to a MATLAB mcc-compiled executable on Windows -

on windows, compiled using mcc matlab script takes struct parameter , writes output file. when try call on windows' cmd using

func.exe "struct('field','data')" 


func.exe struct('field','data') 

i get

attempt reference field of non-structure array. error in func (line 3)    matlab:nonstrucreference 

passing struct uncompiled script through matlab works, e.g.

matlab /nosplash /nodesktop /r "func(struct('field','data')),exit" 

assuming still wish pass struct , not distinct arguments (so can specify optional arguments run), there workaround? (google didn’t help!)


with info daniel , navan, workaround implemented (given argument called args) is

if (ischar(args)); evalc(sprintf('args=%s;',args)); end 

which works both in compiled executable , calling directly within matlab. assumes user has done sanity checking.


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