zend framework2 - Add custom route to Apigility -

i new zend framework 2 - apigility, created basic api apigility ui , connected api remote database.

now want create custom post route user login like: /users/login. steps create route that? there guide?

thanks in advance!

my approach create restful endpoint on /user cruding accounts (if necessary) implement oauth2 authentication zf-oauth2. enrico zimuel wrote introduction oauth2 in apigility on blog: http://www.zimuel.it/oauth2-apigility/

i've built similar you're looking based on zfcuser , apigility:

though modules not ready primetime (that project fell off rails may not work anymore) can sense of approach taking there.

those 2 modules plus ldcoauth2cryptotoken first step towards integrating satellizer apigility.


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