How to set tick length in y-axis to 0 or remove tickline from y axis in highchart? -

for x axis 'ticklength: 0' working , can remove tick x-axis label,but same thing not working y axis. please suggest me right way remove y axis tick line.

$(function () { highcharts.setoptions({     colors: ['#c9f4f4'] }); $('.container').highcharts({             chart: {         type: 'area',               },     credits: {         enabled: false     },     title: {         text: ''     },     xaxis: {         categories: ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'june', 'jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec'],         tickmarkplacement: 'on',          overflow:'false',         gridlinewidth: 1,         //ticklength: 0,         startontick:true,         title: {             enabled: false         }     },     yaxis: {                      min: 100,          max: 1000,         tickinterval: 100,                                    gridlinewidth: 1,                        title: {             enabled: false         },         labels: {                                             formatter: function () {                 return this.value;             }         }     },     tooltip: {         shared: true,          formatter: function () {             return this.y;         }     },     plotoptions: {         series: {                             linecolor: '#00cfcf',             linewidth: 1,             marker: {                 linewidth: 1,                 linecolor: '#00cfcf',                 enabled: false,                                 }         }     },     navigation: {         buttonoptions: {             enabled: false         }     },     series: [{         name: 'asia',         data: [502, 635, 809, 947, 900, 1000, 1000,200,750,630,400,75]     }] }); 


here jsfiddle

is desired effect?

in xaxis part,
change startontick: true, startontick: false,
add min: 0.5

ref: how remove gap between yaxis , data?


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