java - Casting JDom 1.1.3 Element to Document without DocumentBuilderFactory or DocumentBuilder -

i need find easier , efficient way convert jdom element (with it's tailoring nodes) document. ownerdocument( ) won't work version jdom 1.

moreover, org.jdom.illegaladdexception: content has existing parent "root" exception occurs when using following code.

documentbuilderfactory dbfac = documentbuilderfactory.newinstance(); documentbuilder dbuilder = dbfac.newdocumentbuilder(); document doc = null; element elementinfo = getelementfromdb(); doc = new document(elementinfo); xmloutputter xmloutput = new xmloutputter(); byte[] byteinfo= xmloutput.outputstring(elementinfo).getbytes("utf-8"); string stringinfo = new string(byteinfo); doc = dbuilder.parse(stringinfo); 

i think have use following method of element.

document doc = <element>.getdocument(); 

refer api documentation says

return parent's owning document or null if branch containing parent not attached document.


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