clojure - How to start immutant message queue? -

from immutant documentation @

with dependencies in place, invoke immutant services app’s main entry point, identified :main key in project.clj.

immutant's web service can invoked like:

(ns my-app.handler   ...   (:require [immutant.web :as web])   ... )  (def app ... )  (defn -main [& args]   (web/run app)) 

what's equivalent of (web/run app) immutant.messaging?

here answer start queue

(ns (:require [immutant.messaging :as msg]))  (defn call-fn   [args]   (let [fun (ns-resolve "namespace fun defined" (symbol (first args)))         params (rest args)]     (if (seq params)       (apply fun )       (fun))))  (msg/start "queue") (msg/respond "queue" (fn [args] (call-fn args))) 

to call queue say

@(msg/request "queue" ["fun-name" params]) 


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