java - Android Slide Animation within layout -

how can animation in activity?

when click button in layout, slide this(can't post many links , picture yet

i tried doing tabbed not 1 i'm looking for. first time doing, know how have slide animation between activity

thanks in advance


i want know how effect

you can use fragment central layout , use fragment animations this

fragmenttransaction ft = getfragmentmanager().begintransaction(); ft.setcustomanimations(r.anim.slide_in_left, r.anim.slide_out_right); detailsfragment newfragment = detailsfragment.newinstance(); ft.replace(, newfragment, "detailfragment"); ft.commit(); 

where xml file animation like.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <set>   <objectanimator xmlns:android="" android:propertyname="x"  android:valuetype="floattype" android:valuefrom="-1280" android:valueto="0"  android:duration="500"/> </set> 

there many other animations can apply, can find more resources here


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