c# - Subscring to events in an isolated WPF add-in -

i have isolated wpf add-in. addin gets reference type exposes event. since addin isolated in specific appdomain, host knows nothing addin's dll, or types stored there.


    [addincontract]     public interface iaddincontract: icontract     {         void initialize(iaddinhandler handler);     } 

handler type exposes event, , derives marshalbyref, proxy passed addin:

    public class addinhandler : marshalbyrefobject, iaddinhandler      {        public event selectionchangedeventhandler selectionchanged;     } 

and in addin like:

        public override void initialize(iaddinhandler handler)         {             handler.selectionchanged += handler_selectionchanged;         } 

however fails, tries (somehow) pass reference of addin host application, , since host, addin's dll unknown, fails load type , throws exception. how can still maintain isolation, , able described above?

i had similar problem , solved in following way:

for add-in contract, didn't used c# eventing pattern using delegates. used "java-like" event registration pattern, means created interface 1 method (interface needs implement icontract), created in contract 2 methods addeventhandler , removeeventhandler. both requires instance of created interface. in adapters, create adapter between delegate , interface implementation.


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