php - How to target Facebook users with products they viewed without purchasing -

i trying work out issue weeks now. contacted facebook said contact stack overflow.

how targeting facebook visitors same product after viewed , left website?

for example: mr. visits e-commerce site. views product goes product b , exits site. next day mr. see product b in right column/news feed ads.

i have hunch has firing custom audience pixel product b id data not sure how implement code in fb custom audience pixel.

also note: have configured product feed , product catalog work done.

i think it's funny facebook seems try outsource product support stackoverflow...

did have at

you need use custom audience pixel described at

with events described in first link. e.g. upon product view in website, product view content event should triggered:

window._fbq.push(['track', 'viewcontent', {   content_ids: ['<product_id>'],   content_type: 'product' }]); 

you should able build custom audiences ads.


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