java - DHIS-2 not running -

i want use dhis-2 in local system (localhost). follow steps here. , files build in system following command

mvn install // on dhis-2 dir , /dhis-2/dhis-web 

but can't command work mvn jetty:run-war every time give error.

is there step step solution fro problem? want run dhis-2 in local system using eclipse. lost , want guidelines.

first navigate dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-portal , run:

mvn jetty:run-war 

you might exception:

exception: java.lang.outofmemoryerror thrown uncaughtexceptionhandler in thread "main" 

if do, edit .bashrc or .bash_profile , add:

export _java_options="-xmx7500m -xms4000m -xx:maxpermsize=500m -xx:permsize=300m" 


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