matlab - plotting between two curved lines -

i have data x(time), y1 (median values), y2(25th percentile) , y3(75th percentile). want plot these in same plot, , shade area between median curve , upper quartile curve , again shade area between median curve , lower quartile curve. there easy way this?

i tried option xx = [x,x]; yy = [y1,y2]; fill(xx,yy,'b');

.. not happy above code not give me plot looking for. please me.!! many ssr

is want?

x = 0:.01:1; y1 = 5+sin(2*pi*x); y2 = y1-1; y3 = y1+1; %// example values fill([x x(end:-1:1)],[y3 y1(end:-1:1)],[.6 .6 .6]) %// light grey hold on fill([x x(end:-1:1)],[y2 y1(end:-1:1)],[.4 .4 .4]) %// dark grey 

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