matlab - Plot of two variables varied simultaneously, on x-axis -

my following code generates graph looping variable x-axis. specifically, eta_22 varies 0 1, loop iteration size of 0.01.

the code below line source function file.

my question is: how can generate graph eta_1 varying 0 1, loop iteration size of 0.01 well? (i want plot of aa on y-axis, , eta_1, eta_2 varying 0 1.)

my attempts: have tried create nested "for" loops, plot looping. have tried put plot line outside of "for" loops well, did not work.

thanks help.

global lambda mu mu_a mu_t beta tau eta_1 eta_2 lambda_t rho_1 rho_2 gamma    alpha = 100;   time = 365;   eta_22 = zeros(1,alpha);    aa = zeros(1,alpha);    m = 1:1:alpha    eta_2 = m./alpha;   eta_22(m) = m./alpha;   lambda = 531062;    mu = (1/70)/365;   mu_a = 0.25/365;   mu_t = 0.2/365;   beta = 0.187/365;    tau = 4/365;     lambda_t = 0.1;   rho_1 = 1/60;   rho_2 = (rho_1)./(270.*rho_1-1);   gamma = 1e-3;   eta_1 = 0;    s0 = 191564208;   t0 = 131533276;   h0 = 2405659;   c0 = 1805024;   c10 = 1000000;    c20 = 1000000;    ct10 = 500000;    ct20 = 500000;   y0 = [s0, t0, h0, c0, c10, c20, ct10, ct20];    [t,y] = ode45('simplifiedeqns',[0:1:time],y0);   s = y(:,1);   t = y(:,2);   h = y(:,3);    c = y(:,4);   c1 = y(:,5);    c2 = y(:,6);   ct1 = y(:,7);    ct2 = y(:,8);     n = s + t + h + c + c1 + c2 + ct1 + ct2;    hivinf1=[0:1:time];   hivinf2=[beta.*(s+t).*(c1+c2)./n];   hivinf=trapz(hivinf1,hivinf2);   aa(m) = hivinf;   end    plot(100.*eta_22,aa./1000)  _____________________________________________________________________________________________________    function ydot = simplifiedeqns(t,y)    global lambda mu mu_a mu_t beta tau eta_1 eta_2 lambda_t rho_1 rho_2 gamma    s = y(1);   t = y(2);   h = y(3);    c = y(4);   c1 = y(5);    c2 = y(6);   ct1 = y(7);    ct2 = y(8);    n = s + t + h + c + c1 + c2 + ct1 + ct2;   ydot = zeros(8,1);    ydot(1)=lambda-mu.*s-beta.*(h+c+c1+c2).*(s./n)-tau.*(t+c).*(s./n);   ydot(2)=tau.*(t+c).*(s./n)-beta.*(h+c+c1+c2).*(t./n)-(mu+mu_t).*t;   ydot(3)=beta.*(h+c+c1+c2).*(s./n)-tau.*(t+c).*(h./n)-(mu+mu_a).*h;   ydot(4)=beta.*(h+c+c1+c2).*(t./n)+tau.*(t+c).*(h./n)-(mu+mu_a+mu_t+lambda_t).*c;   ydot(5)=lambda_t.*c-(mu+mu_a+rho_1+eta_1).*c1;   ydot(6)=rho_1.*c1-(mu+mu_a+rho_2+eta_2).*c2;   ydot(7)=eta_1.*c1-(mu+rho_1+gamma).*ct1;   ydot(8)=eta_2.*c2-(mu+rho_2+gamma.*(rho_1)./(rho_1+rho_2)).*ct2+(rho_1).*ct1;   end 

the simplest way:

eta_1=0:1/alpha:1; eta_2=0:1/alpha:1; lsize=length(eta_1) % assume eta_1 , eta_2 of same size  i=1:lsize %update aa(i) here end plot(eta_1,aa,eta_2,aa) 


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