javascript - How to close Fancybox from a button click? -

i know there lot of topics questions, don't found answer particular question ...

refer faq, had use 1 of these close fancybox.




but doesn't work in case.

i use ajax type of fancybox, see below :

  $('.fancybox2').fancybox({              type: 'ajax',             title: 'admin',             maxwidth    : 800,             maxheight   : 400,             fittoview   : false,             width       : '70%',             height      : '70%',             autosize    : false,             closeclick  : false,             openeffect  : 'elastic',             closeeffect : 'none',         }); 

so after click on button, shows page in fancybox. in page there button following code :

<input type=button onclick="$.fancybox.close();" value="save" style="margin-top:30px;" class=button> 

your onclick="$.fancybox.close();" doesn't see main fancybox object. try this

<input type="button" value="save" style="margin-top:30px;" class="button closefancybox"> 

and in main document

$(function(){     $(document).on('click','.closefancybox',function(){             $.fancybox.close();     }) }) 


please try simulate similar behaviour on i've tried example you've wrote , worked.


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