visual studio - How to show an ArrayList during debugging of VBScript code? -

i have arraylist in vbscript:

dim olist set olist = createobject("system.collections.arraylist") olist.add "a" olist.add "b" 

when debugging code in visual studio shows list as

[+] olist    | {...} 

however clicking [+] not expand list. suppose because of vbscripts late binding(?).

is there trick expand list? possible "cast" arraylist , expand or other magic thing examine list except manually adding lines

    olist(0) | "a"     olist(1) | "b" 

you can convert arraylist array of variants using .toarray() function.

olist.toarray() in watch tab should work (may depend on debugger/version); adding variable set olist.toarray() fallback.


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