How would this C struct be translated into Cobol -

i'm pretty new cobol , i'm having difficulty figuring out how use structs. c structs below when converted cobol?

these structs have:

struct datat {     int m; };  struct stack {     int top;     struct datat items[stacksize]; } st; 

how statement represented in cobol?


this stab in dark since i've never written line of cobol before today1. however, after little googling2 , playing around in ideone, think i've @ least captured flavor of code like, if not actual solution:

identification division. program-id. ideone.  environment division.  data division.   working-storage section.   01 ws-stack.     05 ws-top pic 9 value 0.     05 ws-items occurs 10 times indexed i.       10 ws-m pic 9 value 0.  procedure division.     add 1 ws-top.     move 9 ws-m(ws-top).     add 1 ws-top.     move 8 ws-m(ws-top).     display "ws-stack :" ws-stack.     display "ws-top :" ws-top.     display "ws-items[].m :" ws-m(ws-top).     subtract 1 ws-top.     display "ws-top :" ws-top.     display "ws-items[].m :" ws-m(ws-top).     stop run. 

yes, size hardcoded 10 (don't know how symbolic constants in cobol), , ws-top , ws-m can store values 0 9.

needless say, data types in cobol , c different. haven't created new stack type; i've declared single data items couple of sub-items, 1 of table can store 10 instances of called ws-m. same writing

int main( void ) {   int top = 10;   int m[10];    m[--top] = 9;   m[--top] = 8;    printf("top = %d\n", top );   printf("m[%d] = %d", top, m[top] );   top++;    printf("top = %d\n", top );   printf("m[%d] = %d", top, m[top] );   return 0; } 

in c, main difference being wrote c code such stack grows "downwards" (which more natural). far tell in ten minutes spent going through cobol tutorial, cobol not have equivalent struct type; though data items can grouped in hierarchical manner, you're not creating new struct or record type such. if wanted multiple stacks, i'd have declare multiple, separate backing stores , index variables.

i think.

i'll have little more reading.

1. @ point in day rather work on anything other problem in front of me right now, , i've been curious how other half lived. also, i'm working on online banking platform , know half our backends written in cobol, wouldn't hurt take sime time learn it.

2. cannot vouch quality of tutorial; it's first 1 found seemed reasonably complete , easy read.


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