How to send c++ lists via sockets to a remote server and write those info to a file using PHP -

i want achieve following:

  • send data above c++ source php script (that create) on remote server via sockets (can wether winhttp or regular sockets, no curl or other 3rd party libraries)
  • the php parse data , write file. there can multiple files, files need numbered.

    #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <psapi.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <iostream> #include <string>  #pragma comment( lib, "psapi.lib" ) using namespace std;  void printprocessnameandid( dword processid ) // list of running processes {     tchar szprocessname[max_path] = text("<unknown>");      handle hprocess = openprocess( process_query_information |                            process_vm_read,                            false, processid );  if (null != hprocess ) {     hmodule hmod;     dword cbneeded;  if ( enumprocessmodules( hprocess, &hmod, sizeof(hmod),       &cbneeded) ) {     getmodulebasename( hprocess, hmod, szprocessname,                         sizeof(szprocessname)/sizeof(tchar) ); } } _tprintf( text("%s  (pid: %u)\n"), szprocessname, processid ); closehandle( hprocess ); }  int main( void ) {     dword aprocesses[1024], cbneeded, cprocesses;     unsigned int i;  if ( !enumprocesses( aprocesses, sizeof(aprocesses), &cbneeded ) )     return 1;  cprocesses = cbneeded / sizeof(dword); cout<<"\n\n"; cout<<"get list of running processes\n\n"; ( = 0; < cprocesses; i++ ) {     if( aprocesses[i] != 0 )     {         printprocessnameandid( aprocesses[i] );     } }  /*get list of directories in root folder of c++ */  cout<<"\n\n"; cout<<"get list of directories in root folder of c++ (not recursive)\n\n";  dir *dirstr = null; string filepath;  cout<<"enter c++ root directory path: "; cin>>filepath; dirstr = opendir(filepath.c_str()); dirent *nextfile = null;  while ((nextfile = readdir(dirstr))!=null) {     if (nextfile->d_name[0] != '.')         cout<<nextfile->d_name<<endl; } return 0; } 

how can send list of processes , directories using sockets remote server , how able write info file using php ?

i've searched here on many questions related to:

  • sending c++ parameters using sockets
  • store c++ parameters in php files

but none helped me out. ideas ?


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