javascript - How do I change the installation path in an OS X installer built with pkgbuild/productbuild? -

we have application installs custom folder , have create installer application extension (plugin).
installer of host application created cross-platform tool, permits user choose installation folder , permits install multiple versions on same system.
host application not "app", in case of many mac programs, directory contains several files + "app".

plugin installer should:
1. pkgbuild/productbuild based, because doesn't want use cross-platform installer because java based , had troubles it
2. query installed host applications cfbundleidentifier , choose 1 install
3. install content of payload directory of chosen host application

managed find solutions first 2 requirements, don't know how proceed third.
is there solution change installation path distribution.xml?
played choice.customlocation attribute, didn't managed modify javascript.

there "elegant" solution it?


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