menu - Delphi MDI Child forms and MainMenu -

we upgrading delphi 5 application delphi xe7. application has number of mdichild (formstyle fsmdichild) forms open windowstate wsnormal. when open 1 of these forms, , close again, main menu (tmainmenu) on main form (formstyle fsmdiform) aligns right , never goes again. if resize mdichild form before closing (eg. click on "normal" or "minimize" icon), not happen.

this not happen delphi 5 version, assume gets handled differently xe 7.

anyone else experienced before? if so, how did fix it?


i have replicated problem:

  1. create new vcl app
  2. make main form (mainform) formstyle mdiform
  3. create mainmenu mainform menu items
  4. create second form (childform)
  5. make childform formstyle mdichild
  6. create mainmenu childform menu items
  7. important (this breaks it): select childform bordericons bisystemmenu , bimaximise
  8. create button on mainform creates , shows childform
  9. run application
  10. click button
  11. maximise childform
  12. close childform (has maximised otherwise malfunction not occur)
  13. observe mainform's menu right-aligned unclickable 'minimise' icon on left if biminimise added childform's bordericons, problem disappears.

i'm pretty sure bug. correct me if i'm wrong.

thanks j

the behaviour report not observed when creating brand new project, , creating forms in manner describe.

clearly then, there code in project causing issue. need debugging identify problem code. start stripping code away until issue vanishes. last code stripped away should contain clues lead cause of thee problem. continue in manner until have isolated problem.


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