Powershell unzip zip file having large number of files -

i'm trying unzip zipped file. i've written code follows

function unzip($sourcezip, $destination) {          $shell = new-object -com shell.application         $zip = $shell.namespace($sourcezip)         $dest = $shell.namespace($destination)         foreach($item in $zip.items())         {             $dest.copyhere($item, 0x14)          } } 

i'm calling script on input zip file contain around 14k files below

unzip "source.zip" "destination" 

this file gets stuck more 30 minutes. , still no progress.

from i've find out gets @ line $zip.items() might taking large time discover files.

is there better, optimal way this??

thanks in advance. regards, ganesh.

you using system.io.compression (requires .net 4.5):

[system.reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname('system.io.compression.filesystem') [system.io.compression.zipfile]::extracttodirectory($sourcezip, $destination) 


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