python - How to index document I want to query multiple random fields dynamodb boto? -

i have following in dynamo:

{ username: "joe", account_type: "standard", favorite_food: "veggies", favorite_sport: "hockey", favorite_person: "steve", date_created: <utc-milliseconds>, record_type: "person" } 

my table created follows:

table('persons', schema=[hashkey('record_type')], global_indexes=[globalallindex('indexone', parts=[hashkey('favorite_food')])]) 

i want able perform queries can query for:

favorite_food = "meat", favorite_sport="hockey" 

or just

favorite_food = "meat", date_created > <some date in utc-milliseconds> 

or just: favorite_food = "meat"


   account_type: "premium", favorite_food: "veggies" 

how many indices should creating global, secondary, etc. able perform "query" opposed scan if possible, cannot sure user query. want list of "usernames" match query.


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