AngularJS - Ionic : execute code in controller when coming back to it -

i'm new in angularjs community , i'm developping first app framework.

i created new controller code :

.controller('accountctrl', function($scope, $location) { alert('test'); }) 

and route :

.state('app.account', {     url: "/account",     views: {       'menucontent': {         templateurl: "templates/account.html",         controller: 'accountctrl'       }     }   }) 

the alert popup shown first time access controller. but, if change url , come accountctrl (with classic html a), alert popup not shown again.

could explain me why ?

thanx !

in ionic framework views , controllers cached default. ma add listener views scope receive notification when view re-active again. more information see: ,

you may disable cache on view <ion-view cache-view="false">

.controller('accountctrl', function($scope, $location) {     $scope.$on('$ionicview.beforeenter', function () {             // update campaigns everytime view becomes active             // (on first time added dom , after view becomes active after cached         alert('test');     }); })` 


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