go-aop-php wont work even with simple setup -

i cant seem make go-aop-php library work me , have no idea why.

basically have go-aop-php 0.6.0 installed composer , simple code ripped off available examples.

here's gist of code.

attached below directory structure (if it's of help):

enter image description here

i running ubuntu 14.04 php 5.5. wondering if missed dependencies go-aop-php operate properly.

go! aop not magic tool , can not change loaded class weave aspect it. in case explicitly load class via direct require_once __dir__.'/classes/testclass.php'; expression. after class loaded , aop won't applied.

to fix issue, should use composer class autoloading (go! aop intercepts automatically).

ps. if have questions or need support, please open issue on github instead. stackoverflow isn't place discuss such issues. glad issues on github


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