ruby - Braintree - Transaction is successful even though fraud returns "Decline" -

i submit transaction valid card make trigger "decline" riskdata making lot of transactions card quickly. problem still makes transaction successful , submits settlement when riskdata returns "decline".

here braintree has regarding "decline" riskdata:

'decline' - transaction declined due fraud risk.

is how it's supposed function? should change configuration make reject transaction "decline"?

here reference:

#<braintree::successfulresult transaction:#<braintree::transaction id: "xxxxx"...> #<riskdata id: "xxxxxxxxx", decision: "decline"> 

i work @ braintree. if have more questions, please reach out our support team.

in sandbox, braintree doesn't act on risk decision, expected behavior if aren't using fraud rejection card number.

in production, "decline" riskdata cause transactions rejected; "review" riskdata not. it's unlikely you'll ever see status of "review" in production unless obtain own merchant id kount directly , set own rules trigger response.


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