javascript - Using Selenium Webdriver (with Java) to test a video without ID -

i trying test video (its in webm format) doesn't have id using standard actions pause/play/play beginning. here found far

so paste here part of code:

javascriptexecutor js = (javascriptexecutor) driver;   //play video  js.executescript("document.getelementbyid(\"video\").play()");  thread.sleep(5000);   //pause playing video   js.executescript("document.getelementbyid(\"video\").pause()");   //check video paused  system.out.println(js .executescript("document.getelementbyid(\"video\").paused")); 

unfortunately can't use method video doesn't have id. tried similar using document.getelementsbytagname, didn't work (go error document.getelementsbytagname(...).play not function). suggestions?

you don't have use javascript executor find video element.

find selenium , pass executor control it.

for example, if find by tag name:

webelement video = driver.findelement(by.tagname("video"));  javascriptexecutor js = (javascriptexecutor) driver; js.executescript("arguments[0].play();", video); 


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