powershell - Script to count number of emails for multiple users -

i needing little script. have working if use single email address. need add list of 8 emails addresses scan. how modify send 1 email 8 users?

i have seen scripts make html file displays in nice table ran against users in exchange , needs group of 8 users.

  add-pssnapin microsoft.exchange.management.powershell.e2010  #powershell blah blah blah $nl = [environment]::newline  #mailbox gather stats on $mailboxs=$mailbox= 'user1@domain.com','user2@domain.com'   #get todays $startdate=get-date $enddate=get-date  #subtract 1 day todays date (report ending day) , 1 day todays date (report starting day) $startdateformatted=$startdate.adddays(-1).toshortdatestring() $enddateformatted=$enddate.adddays(-1).toshortdatestring()  foreach ($mailbox in $mailboxs) { # sent e-mails $sendcount = get-transportservice | get-messagetrackinglog -start "$startdateformatted 00:00:00" -end "$enddateformatted 23:59:59" -sender $mailbox -resultsize unlimited | select-object -unique messageid  # received e-mails - works not on generic accounts $receivecount = get-transportservice | get-messagetrackinglog -start "$startdateformatted 00:00:00" -end "$enddateformatted 23:59:59" -recipients $mailbox -resultsize unlimited | select-object -unique messageid  $sendcountstring = $sendcount.count $receivecountstring = $receivecount.count }  $output =  $mailbox |  foreach { $resulthash =   @{     address = $_     sent    = $sendcountstring     received = $receivecountstring    }   new-object -typename psobject -property $resulthash |   select address,sent,received   }  #who send e-mail report to. #multiple e-mail addresses should in format "<email1@domain.com>, <email2@domain.com>"  $mailparams = @{ = "issreports@domain.com" = "user3@domain.com" subject = "daily e-mail report iss $startdateformatted" bodyashtml = $true smtpserver = "mail.domain.com" }  $header =  @" "mailbox stats report date range: $startdateformatted 00:00:00 - $enddateformatted 23:59:59  "@  $body = $output | convertto-html -as table -head $header | out-string  send-mailmessage @mailparams -body $body 

i put script , pieces borrowed couple of own. kind of reporting, need read through logs once, , can eliminate need de-dupe messageid returning deliver events. there 1 deliver event per email sent, containing both sender , recipients.

#mailboxs gather stats on $mailbox= 'user1@domain.com','user2@domain.com'  #get todays date twice $startdate=get-date $enddate=get-date  #hash tables send , receive counts $sent = @{} $received = @{}  #subtract 1 day todays date (report ending day) , 1 days todays date (report starting day) $startdateformatted=$startdate.adddays(-1).toshortdatestring() $enddateformatted=$enddate.adddays(-1).toshortdatestring()  $transportservers = get-exchangeserver  |  {$_.serverrole -match "hubtransport"} |  select -expandproperty name  foreach ($transportserver in $transportservers) {   get-messagetrackinglog -start "$startdateformatted 00:00:00" -end "$enddateformatted 23:59:59" -eventid deliver -server $transportserver -resultsize unlimited |    foreach {     if ($mailbox -contains $_.sender )       { $sent[$_.sender]++ }      foreach ($recipient in $_.recipients)      {       if ($mailbox -contains $recipient )        { $received[$recipient]++ }      }    }  }  $output =  $mailbox |  foreach {  $resulthash =   @{     address = $_     sent    = $sent[$_]     received = $received[$_]    }   new-object -typename psobject -property $resulthash |   select address,sent,received }  #who send e-mail report to. #multiple e-mail addresses should in format "<email1@domain.com>, <email2@domain.com>"  $mailparams = @{ = "issreports@domain.com" = "user3@domain.com" subject = "weekly e-mail report $mailbox $startdateformatted - $enddateformatted" bodyashtml = $true smtpserver = "mail.domain.com" }  $header =  @" "mailbox stats report date range: $startdateformatted 00:00:00 - $enddateformatted 23:59:59  "@  $body = $output | convertto-html -as table -head $header | out-string  send-mailmessage @mailparams -body $body 


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