java - Set up Accumulo table through api -

new accumulo, , may sound silly, wondering how setup table through api? documentation lacking. have been able find


as setting locality groups:

hashset<text> metadatacolumns = new hashset<text>(); metadatacolumns.add(new text("domain")); metadatacolumns.add(new text("link"));  hashset<text> contentcolumns = new hashset<text>(); contentcolumns.add(new text("body")); contentcolumns.add(new text("images"));  localitygroups.put("metadata", metadatacolumns); localitygroups.put("content", contentcolumns);  conn.tableoperations().setlocalitygroups("mytable", localitygroups);  map<string, set<text>> groups =     conn.tableoperations().getlocalitygroups("mytable"); 

from documentation, want know how take first approach , build table. build columns.

thanks in advance!

there no inherent schema table set up. once created using api found, can insert whatever key-value pairs wish in it.


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