tinkerpop - Gremlin > recursively find nodes connected by an edge type -

just working tinkergraph, , attempting recursively find nodes connected specific edge label (in case created).

  1. is there way can recursively(/loop) traverse nodes? in example below, want loop until there no more matching edges (instead of hardcoded 3 value).
  2. is there anyway find , group connected vertices, given graph?

extra kudos deduplicating nodes, , handling node loops.


compile("com.thinkaurelius.titan:titan-berkeleyje:0.5.4") compile('com.tinkerpop:gremlin-groovy:2.6.0') 

code (manually recurse 3 times :( )

gremlin.load() def g = tinkergraphfactory.createtinkergraph() println g.v(5).as('x')     .both('created')     .dedup     .loop(2){it.loops <= 3}     .path     .tolist().flatten() set // groovy code flatten & dedup 

gives me: (correct)

[v[5], v[4], v[3], v[1], v[6]] 


you don't need groovy code, can done using gremlin:

gremlin> g.v(5).as('x').both('created').dedup() gremlin>     .loop('x') {true} {true}.dedup() ==>v[4] ==>v[3] ==>v[5] ==>v[6] ==>v[1] 


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