php - Getting foreign tables value laravel -

here example

table structure

game --id --game   posts --id --game_id --post_text       class posts extends eloquent {  protected $primarykey = 'id';  protected $table = 'posts';       public function games() {     return $this->hasone('games','id'); } }   class games extends eloquent {  protected $primarykey = 'id';  protected $table = 'games';    public function posts() {             return $this->belongsto('posts','game_id');    } } 

i need game name of post. how can using eloquent?

here initial code

echo $post->games['game']; 

but wrong data.

the way queries this.

   'query' => string 'select * `games` `games`.`id` = ? limit 1' (length=52)       'bindings' =>          array (size=1)           0 => int 5 

firstly eloquent model names not plural, default should game , post. secondly relationship return values must changed. in hasone , belongsto need use model class names below. left out optional code not required code work.

class post extends eloquent {   public function game() {     return $this->hasone('game');   } }  class game extends eloquent {   public function post() {     return $this->belongsto('post');   } } 

now can game name $post->game->name


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