.net - Attributes in external assembly -

i using sqlite-net . uses attribute [ignore] skip field during serialization.

i have class property:

[ignore] public observablecollection<myentity> myentities { get; set; } 

it works fine when create table:


now move class external assembly (project) , have error when sqlite-net trying create table. error messages said there unknown type observablecollection. looks [ignore] attribute doesn't work if class in external assembly (project).

i trying debug sqlite-net code. here the fragment:

var ignore = p.getcustomattributes (typeof(ignoreattribute), true).count() > 0;  if (p.canwrite && !ignore) {    cols.add (new column (p, createflags)); } 

i have ignore == false field [ignore] attribute.

i newbie in .net not sure in case.

are attributes working classes in external assemblies (project)? if are, error in sqlite-net ?


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