javascript - Backbone click event being fired multiple times -

i have seen many questions this, no 1 solving problem.

i have page main div has 1 div one-image default. there button can add other divs. have event click appends other div template "remove" button. this:

image stack

<div class="image-stack">   <div class="one-image">      ...      <a id="addimage">add image</a>      ...   </div> </div> 

image template

<script type="text/template" id="another-image-template">   <div class="one-image">      ...      <a id="addimage">add image</a>      <a id="removeimage">remove image</a>      ...   </div> </script> 


events: {            'click #addimage' : 'addanotherimage',           'click #removeimage' : 'removethisimage' },  addanotherimage: function(e) {   var = $('#another-image-template').html();   $('.images-stack').append(another); },  removethisimage: function(e) {   $(e.currenttarget).closest('.one-image').remove(); } 

this works fine. when click "add" button, adds new one-image div under last one; , when click "remove" button, removes div clicked. if change view , come same view (always created new in backbone), image-stack has 1 div one-image only, fine. when click "add" button, appends two one-image divs. , if repeat previous steps, appends three.

i have checked , function being called twice (and thrice , so...). don't understand why happening since remove() removing object dom , initialize view new. ideas?

you problem related not closing , unbinding views. called zombie views. calling this.remove() , should cleanup references view.

have @ following:



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