regex - Get Value from string between ":" and "," -

here example of string


now need "128" - id parameter. first value between ":" , ",".

i have tried preg_match , different regular expressions i'm not in regular expressions. maybe knew how make ?

$id = preg_match('/:(,*?)\,/s', $content, $matches); 

here sample code number after first : using regex:

$re = "/(?<=\\:)[0-9]+/";  $str = "\"{\"id\":128,\"order\":128,\"active\":\"1\",\"name\":\"\"";  preg_match($re, $str, $matches); print $matches[0]; 

here sample program on tutorialspoint.

just small detail regex (?<=\\:)[0-9]+: uses fixed-width look-behind php supports, fortunately.


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