javascript - How to take video snapshot with VLC Web Plugin -

i need extract snapshot(s) ip camera using rtsp on web page.

vlc web plugin works playing stream, before hands dirty on playing javascript api, can 1 tell me whether api can me take snapshot(s) of stream, way done vlc media player, cuz not present on above page.

if answer 'no', please give me other way this.

thanks in advance.

dang loi.

the vlc plugin provides metadata properties accessible javascript.

for reason there no way access bitmap/video plugins runs sand-boxed in browser. way obtain such data if plugin provided mechanism it.

the way grab frame therefor use generic screen snagger (such snagit), of course, without ability control javascript.

you could, option, html5 video element see if can use video source that. in case grab frames, draw them canvas , there save image.

another option in case original stream format isn't supported, transcode on fly format supported browser. here 1 such transcoder.


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