arangodb - http://localhost:8529/_api/query/225 - syntax correct? -

i trying abort long running query (with id 225) new api feature first time. can't killing request. api request answers

   {"error":true,"code":404,"errornum":404,"errormessage":"not found"} 

although query still running.

[   {     "id": "225",     "query": [snip]   } ] 

what doing wrong? in advance ...

can guess question not contain full information on posted , http method.

my guess used http when tried killing query , not http delete. url correct not http method. in case 404 error.

there 2 ways terminating running query:

  • using arangoshell

    first of all, query id needs determined. can achieved follows: require("org/arangodb/aql/queries").current();

    using returned id value, command kill query is: require("org/arangodb/aql/queries").kill(id);

  • using http

    when query known, can used in http delete request: curl -x delete

    again, id needs query's real id.


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