javascript - How to locale correctly controlle AngularJS in page? -

there items div @ page:

<body> <div id="block">   <div class="item"></div>   <div class="item"></div>   <div class="item"></div>   <div class="item"></div> </div> <div class="modal"></div> </body> 

and 1 modal block class="modal" after items.

i want after click .item shows modal block, have added ng-controller="blockcontroller" @ parent block id="block":

<div id="block" ng-controller="blockcontroller">    ... </div> 

at modal block there buttons, methods realization want add on controller block controller, modal not in border of visible controller.

can add yet same controller to: <div class="modal" ng-controller="blockcontroller"></div> make common functionality in 1 controller? tried this, troubles visible $scope variables in case:


$scope.clickspam = function (id, type){    $ = id; // have value id } 

template html:

{{id}} // here not displayed value 

one of solutions can use controller modal contains own features

<div class="modal" ng-controller="modalcontroller"></div> 

now, inside blockconroller can still access $scope of modalcontroller :

angular.element($(".modal")).scope(); // returns modalcontroller's $scope 

note have use id on modal if have many modals different controllers.

your code :

html code:

<div class="modal" id="modalid" ng-controller="modalcontroller"></div> 

javascript code :

angular.element($("#modalid")).scope(); // returns modalcontroller's $scope 

another problem may find, is change variable modalcontroller scope blockcontroller :

angular.element($(".modal")).scope().id = "something";  

your {{ id }} binding not work unless call $apply method :



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