render - How to embed maths in MediaWiki -

i'm trying transfer maths content , old wiki new mediawiki.

the old page uses mathjax, , looks this:

here k-degree taylor series [[$ f(x) $]]      expanding around [[$ x=0 $]]    [[$ t_k(x) = f(0) + x\cdot f'(0) + \frac{x^2}{2!} f''(0) + \dots      + \frac{x^k}{k!} f^k(0) $]] 

this i've found far: -- appears discontinued. -- tried , works on osx chrome gives rendering errors on osx firefox ( -- appears active development occurring, haven't managed working. huge headache.

have missed anything?

what's right way enable maths content in mediawiki?

from can see, looking like: "render on server , provide png faster, render on client using mathjax simpler/cleaner"

simplemathjax absolutely minimal install. if worked on firefox!

math extension looking hard work, looks overkill -- seems support @ least 4 different techniques rendering.

a year after, situation getting more confusing how mediawiki sites process maths. if agree texvc , maths formula displayed in png images ugly , obsolete, seems mathoid, according, "is recommended option; mathoid rendering mode used on wikipedia in future.” .

but mathoid requires external server parsoid , both (mathoid , parsoid) in heavy development. therefore looked other solution , found , tested 'simplemathjax' ( has set 'old' syntax only

require_once "$ip/extensions/simplemathjax/simplemathjax.php"; 

but works on recent version of mediawiki (latest version tested mw1.28 of late december 2016).

however code of extension not distributed numerous mediawiki extensions wikimedia fundation (which supports mathoid) can on github @ , expand extension subdirectory other extensions.

  • the math rendering beautiful because uses mathjax , mathjax (.org) "an open-source javascript display engine latex, mathml, , asciimath notation works in modern browsers."
  • most of standard ams latex code seems work fine (align etc).

it called "simple" mathjax because doesn't have ambition of mw mathjax extension process latex , tex facilities numbering equations , process tex macros, uses original javascript cdn of , therefore simple install , use short mathematical texts. - if want process longer , huge mathematical texts, can try 'pandoc' transform full latex document mediawiki source following command line:

$ pandoc -o -f latex -t mediawiki foo.tex 


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