JDBC SQL Server Exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException -

i using minecraft jdbc logging plugin (logblock), automatically parses inputs server name, login, password, , port valid jdbc command. have set server , user using microsoft sql server express 2014 , tested login using this method , told me succeded. can assume error in parsing of inputs. find way not have change source code of plugin, instead edit inputs trick plugin parsing correctly. here's code give plugin:

    mysql:       host: bob\sqlexpress       database: minecraft       password: testest12/345       user: skrublord9000       port: 3306 

bob computer name, sqlexpress server name. can't think it's backwards slash that's causing problem. here's output of jdbc plugin:

    [logblock] connecting skrublord9000@jdbc:mysql://bob\sqlexpr     ess:3306/minecraft?useunicode=true&characterencoding=utf-8...     [logblock] error while fetching connection:     com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.mysqlnontransientconnectionexception: cannot loa     d connection class because of underlying exception: 'java.lang.numberformatexcep     tion: input string "3306/minecraft"'.                @ ......... 

and last stack continues many lines. (i'm putting in code manually , don't have time write that.)

i'm open questions, suggestions, , solutions. in advance!

logblock supports mysql. see: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/logblock/

everything logged mysql database

logblock using jdbc mysql url connect. that's why it's being parsed wrongly.

the solution problem use mysql server instead of microsoft sql server.


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